Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Management measures analysis and comparison


by S. Saathoff, J. Knüppel, S. Manson & A. Boerema

5a. Measure collection and basic info compilation

In total, 39 measures planned or implemented at the four TIDE estuaries were collected (Table 22).

Table 22: Overview on measure examples collected, analysed and compared with indication of short titles and status. The full measure titles can be taken from annex 10.4.
No. Estuary Measure example Status
planned implemented
01 Elbe Spadenlander Busch   x
02 Elbe Medemrinne Ost x  
03 Elbe Current deflection wall   x
04 Elbe Bunthaus   x
05 Elbe Sediment trap Wedel   x
06 Elbe Hahnöfer Nebenelbe   x
07 Elbe Wrauster Bogen   x
08 Elbe Hahnöfer Sand   x
09 Elbe Spadenlander Spitze   x
10 Elbe Reed settlement Haken   x
11 Elbe METHA   x
12 Elbe Managing Reiherstieg sluice x  
13 Scheldt Lippenbroek   x
14 Scheldt Groynes Waarde   x
15 Scheldt Ketenisse wetland   x
16 Scheldt Paddebeek wetland   x
17 Scheldt Paardenschoor wetland   x
18 Scheldt Heusden LO wetland   x
19 Scheldt Sediment relocation Ketelplaat   x
20 Scheldt Walsoorden 2004   x
21 Scheldt Walsoorden 2006   x
22 Scheldt Sandbars 2010   x
23 Scheldt Fish pond   x
24 Weser Tegeler Plate   x
25 Weser Rönnebecker Sand   x
26 Weser Vorder- und Hinterwerder   x
27 Weser Kleinensieler Plate   x
28 Weser Cappel-Süder-Neufeld   x
29 Weser Werderland x  
30 Humber Alkborough   x
31 Humber Paull Holme Strays   x
32 Humber MudBug   x
33 Humber Chowder Ness   x
34 Humber Welwick   x
35 Humber Klinsea Wetlands   x
36 Humber South Humber Gateway Roosting x  
37 Humber Trent falls   x
38 Humber Donna Nook and Skeffling x  
39 Humber Turnstall Realignment x  

The majority (64%) of measure examples aims at biological and ecological development targets. Approximately one third (29%) was assigned to the measure category ‘Hydrology/Morphology’. Only three measure examples belong to the measure category ‘Physical/Chemical Quality’ (Table 23). A detailed list can be taken from annex 10.5.

Table 23: Number of measure examples collected and assignment to measure category and TIDE estuary
Measure category TIDE estuary Total (%)
Weser Elbe Humber Scheldt
Biology/Ecology 06 06 08 07 27 (64)
Hydrology/Morphology - 05 02 05 12 (29)
Physical/Chemical Quality - 03 - - 03 (07)
Total 06 14 10 12 42* (100)

*Measures not assignable to one single measure category are listed multiply. This refers to 3 of 39 measures.

Since the choice of measure examples to be included in the study was left to the members of the TWG measures, the results of the measure collection as compiled in table 22 only show a small part of the totality of measures planned and implemented at the four TIDE estuaries. Additionally, the choice of measures seems to depend on the organisation the respective working group member represents and the connected availability of measure examples: Since the representatives of NLWKN (Weser) and EA (Humber) as organisations in charge of nature conservation and water quality concerns mainly introduced measure examples aiming at biological and ecological development targets, the measure examples introduced by representatives of port authorities (Elbe and Scheldt) belong in almost equal parts to the categories ‘Biology/Ecology’ and ‘Hydrology/Morphology’.
Table 24 shows the measure distribution along the TIDE estuaries according to the estuary zones. Figure 7 shows the location of the measure examples collected in the area of the Elbe estuary. Maps showing the measure locations for all TIDE estuaries can be taken from annex 810.6.

Table 24: Distribution of measure examples collected according to estuary zones
TIDE estuary Estuary zone Total
limnic oligohaline mesohaline polyhaline
Weser 3 2 - 1 06
Elbe 11 1 - - 12
Humber - 2 1 7 10
Scheldt 3 - 4 4 11
Total 17 5 5 12 39

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison

Management issues

How and by which management measures can tidal amplification be reduced?
How can public acceptance for management actions be increased?
How can the Ecosystem Services Approach be used to support management decisions?
How can we assure accessibility to an inland estuarine port without affecting the habitats and safety against flooding?
How can we prevent excessive degradation or loss of tidal marshes?
How does habitat management affect the supply of ecosystem services?
What are the key areas of conflicts or synergies in TIDE estuaries?
What are the restoration opportunities for side branch systems and river banks (e.g. left side branch Weser)?
What factors determine the distribution of suspended sediments in an estuary?
What measures are successful for the dissipation of tidal energy?
What monitoring is required to support and assess management decisions?
What parameters should be used to define and evaluate measure targets?
What tool is available to help manage multiple users of a resource in an integrated way (i.e. achieving more holistic management)?
Which aspects do I have to take into account in order to make a measure a success?
Which measures are suitable to achieve specific ecological targets?
Which measures are suitable to achieve specific morphological and hydrological targets?
Which measures are suitable to identify, protect or develop valuable submerged habitats e.g. mussel beds and Sabellaria reefs?
Which measures are suitable to improve the physical characteristics and chemical water quality?
Which measures are suitable to provide ecosystem services and benefits?
Which synergistic effects and conflicts can be expected by planning and implementing a certain measure?
“Working with nature”: What are the opportunities for sediment management in estuaries?