Effectiveness according to development targets of measure
-Step 1: Definition of development targets
- Functional development of tidal floodplains with focus on fish fauna (especially migrating species like Sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus) and European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis)
- Development of typical estuarine, tidally influenced foreland habitats (shallow water zones, flooding pools and fresh water mudflats, alluvial forests and reeds)
- Highest possible enhancement in terms of nature conservation according to guidelines on impact regulation after nature protection law for the federal state of Bremen (UNIVERSITÄT HANNOVER, INSTITUT FÜR LANDSCHAFTSPFLEGE UND NATURSCHUTZ 2011)
- Long term functionality with low maintenance effort
-Step 2: Degree of target achievement
Since the measure is currently in the planning stages, the degree of target achievement can only be estimated based on the contents and results of the feasibility study realized in the frame of TIDE (DIPL. – ING. M. BIRKHOFF + PARTNER 2011).
To construct a shallow water zone on the project area means creating another close-to-nature element within a section of the river Weser today characterized by a high percentage of bank fixations. A permanent water body serving as a habitat for spawning, residence, resting and overwintering closes the gap between the tidal habitat Vorder- and Hinterwerder and the river mouths of Ochtum and Lesum. The development of fresh water mudflats complements the fresh water mudflats along the river Lesum. The expected reed development supplements existing populations on the neighboring Schönebecker Sand.
Structure and habitat diversity are generally improved on the project area. As a consequence, improved living conditions are created in favor of a larger spectrum of species.
Additionally, the barrier effect of the existing dike is reduced due to the coming dike reinforcement measures at Weser and Lesum. The existing sheet pile is covered in order to make it easier to overcome for soil organisms. The connection between project area and Werderland will be improved.
Altogether, the restored foreland delivers a functional added value regarding adjacent Natura 2000 areas.
The expected degree of target achievement is high.
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