Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Degree of synergistic effects according to Natura 2000 aims

The project area is located in a Special Protection Area (SPA) after the Birds Directive (Site name: Werderland, site code: DE 2817-401) and borders on three SPAs after the Habitat Directive. According to the Integrated Management Plan Weser (IBP Weser), the project area is assigned to operational area 3. The pilot project refers to the specifications of the IBP Weser as a frame condition for the planning and therefore meets Natura 2000 aims. Potential positive effects on several conservation objectives defined for operational area 3 (Table 3) and for the entire investigation area of the IBP Weser (Table 4) can be stated.

-Step 1: Estimate potential measure effects on conservation objectives for certain special units

Table 3: Natura 2000-objectives with specifications for operational area 3 (source: simplified after NLWKN, SUBV 2012)
  Operational area 3: Fresh water zone in the lower Weser (Weser km 12 - 32)
Specifications for operational area 3 Effect of measure 29 on conservation objectives Short explanation
positive effect no effect negative effect
Conservation and development of specific estuarine habitats and (tidal) floodplains and their dynamic changes
Development, enlargement and upgrade of shallow water zones with moderate current climate ++     A shallow water zone will be created.
Development of passable shore structures ++     The revetment at the Weser bank will be lowered and the project area will be reconnected to the river.
Conservation and development of typical habitats of operational area 3 (e.g. river flats, reeds and typical shore vegetation not being affected by neophytes, tidal floodplains and extensively used grasslands) in a dimension, spatial distribution and interconnection ensuring long-term appearance of typical species  ++     Typical habitats of operational area 3 will be developed (e.g. mudflats and tidal floodplains)
Conservation and development of tidal floodplains at the upper tidal border ++     The measure aims at developing tidal floodplains to the west and the east of the project area.
Conservation and development of habitats for viable populations and estuary and (tidal) floodplain specific species as well as species after Annex II Habitats Directive and bird species after Birds Directive
Conservation of typical breeding bird communities and associated habitats (breeding birds of grasslands, reeds and tidal floodplains) ++     Project area is currently of low importance for breeding birds. The development potential e.g. for breeding birds of reeds is estimated to be high and increases with the extent of the shallow water zone.
Conservation and development of undisturbed resting and moulting areas for migratory bird populations (high diversity, many individuals) considering all necessary functions +     Due to spatial connection with neighbouring resting areas of water and wading bird, the development potential is estimated to be high and increases with the extent of the shallow water zone.
Conservation and development of well-structured bordering waters and shore areas with wood, typical shore vegetation and reeds as hunting and feeding ground for Pond bat (Myotis dasycneme) +     Feasibility study does not consider this aspect.
Preservation and development of spawning ground function for Twaite shad (e.g. by avoiding disturbances during spawning season)   0   The main spawning area of the Twaite shad is located between Weser-km 20 to 32. The Twaite shad has not yet been found upstream at the potential project area.
Conservation and development of spawning ground function for Smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) (e.g. by avoiding disturbances during spawning season)   0   Feasibility study does not consider this aspect.

-Step 2: Estimate potential measure effects on overall conservation objectives

Table 4: Natura 2000-objectives with specifications for the entire investigation area of the Integrated Management Plan Weser (IBP Weser); source: simplified after NLWKN, SUBV 2012
Specifications for entire investigation area of IBP Weser Effect of measure 29 on conservation objectives?
positive effect no effect negative effect
Conservation and development of specific functions and processes of estuaries and (tidal) floodplains to reach favourable abiotic conditions and typical hydromorphological structures
Conservation and development of favourable
water structures and water bed dynamics
Development of evenly distributed and reduced
current energy and tidal parameters
Conservation and development of favourable
gradients of specific aspects regarding estuaries
and (tidal) floodplains (e.g. salinity, sediments,
current conditions, tidal range, close-to-nature
zonation of shore vegetation…); refers to inner
estuary and to area between estuary and floodplain
within fresh water zone.
Improvement of water and sediment quality +    
Conservation and development of specific estuarine habitats and (tidal) floodplains and their dynamic changes
Conservation and development of habitats and
communities which strongly depend on the natural
dynamics of morphological processes
(e.g. mudflats, shallow waters, creeks… )
Development of balanced area percentages
regarding mudflats, shallow waters, shallow and
deep sublitoral
Conservation and development of tidal floodplains
with typical vegetation structures and
biocoenosis and favourable tidal and flooding
dynamics; especially floodplain enlargement
Conservation and development of habitats for viable populations and estuary and (tidal) floodplain specific species as well as species of Annex II Habitats Directive and bird species of Birds Directive
Conservation of habitat functions for breeding
and migrant birds especially as feeding grounds
(also for bordering or networked areas)
Conservation and development of habitat
requirements for migratory fish stocks and
cyclostomata within present territories and
networked areas
Conservation and development of habitat
requirements for autochthon
fish communities with typical age composition
and typical percentage of estuarine species and
diadromous migratory fish species
Conservation and development of long-term
viable populations of typical
fish species and cyclostomata
(estuarine and diadromous guilds)
Reaching of favourable water quality for
reproduction, larval development and
viability of typical fish communities of different
salinity zones
Conservation and development / reestablishment of
passability of the tidal river Weser and its
tributaries for migratory fish and benthic

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison