Predefined criteria | Observed effects |
Morphology | |
1. Stability of the relocated material: Two weeks after relocating the dredged material, maximum 20% of the total relocated material may have left the relocation area. The test has failed if more than 40% of the total relocated material is lost. | The relocated material was very stable.
2. Sedimentation of “Schaar van Valkenisse”: Two weeks after relocating the dredged material, maximum 15% of the cross section of the Schaar van Valkenisse may be filled with sand. | No sedimentation took place at the “Schaar van Valkenisse”.
Ecology | |
1. Elevation of sandbar Walsoorden: elevation with more than 40 cm at 25% of the sandbar, elevation with more than 2 cm at 50% of the sandbar, or elevation with more than 1 cm at 100% of the sandbar is seen as a problem. | The height of the sandbar showed no deviation as a result of the relocation test compared to long-term trends, a mean elevation of 2.2 up to 2.9 cm per year was measured. This is the trend as determined from the MOVE measurements. |
2. Change in percentage intertidal sludge: change in mud-concentration of more than 40% at 50% of the sandbar, or a change of more than 20% at 100% of the sandbar is seen as a problem. | The granulometry of the sandbar showed no deviation as a result of the relocation test. Seasonal fluctuations were slightly observed: larger grain size in winter, smaller grain size in summer and autumn. A sub-tidal effect was established as a result of the relocation test: the sediment composition in the impact zone was slightly altered (decrease in mud- and semi-coarse sand-percentage, increase of sand and fine sand fraction). This was a result of a difference in granular size between the relocated material and the sediment that was initially present at the relocation site. |
3. Change in intertidal macrobenthos: the density, biomass, and diversity of intertidal macrobenthos may not deviate from the long term trends. | Both intertidal and subtidal macrobenthos in the study area showed no deviation as a result of the relocation area (not in diversity, biomass and density). Seasonal trends were observed: autumn > spring. Only an increase in intertidal biomass was significant (van der Wal 2010). Also a change in the composition of macrobenthos species was observed: less B. pilosa and more H. filiformis, N. diversicolor and P. elegans (van der Wal 2010). |