Background and side conditions
After the realignment of the ’Kreetsander‘ main dyke in 1999 and the removal of the old dyke in 2004, the former spoil area for dredged material was not altered into foreland as it was initially planned.
Therefore Hamburg Port Authority decided to carry out a pilot project that was related to the content of the ’River engineering and sediment management concept‘. The concept was developed by the Hamburg Port Authority and the Federal Administration for Waterways and Navigation, which was approved by the Senate of the City of Hamburg. It should contribute to reduce the tidal energy in order to be able to better safeguard the accessibility of the port of Hamburg.
In order to meet the main target the old spoil area was designed in a way that shallow water areas as well as marsh habitats and other valuable habitats such as floodplain forest and reeds could develop. While the measure fulfilled this target the hydraulic criteria could be pursued as well. A synergistic effect between the interests and targets of shipping and ports, and nature conservation is expected. Therefore groups with economic as well as ecological aims are interested in the success of the measure.
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