Status of the measure
In late 2006, Humber INCA was approached by North Lincolnshire Council and asked to commence a programme of wintering bird surveys in the North Lincolnshire section of the South Humber Gateway. The funds allocated were then used as match funding for a funding bid to Yorkshire Forward to allow the area of coverage to include the North East Lincolnshire section of the allocated land. Once the survey project was underway, further contributions of funds were received from North East Lincolnshire Council and the Environment agency. This allowed an extension of the survey area in both North and North East Lincolnshire.
The main purpose of the surveys was to identify important areas for wintering and migratory birds and hence the majority of survey effort has concentrated on these. There have, however, been surveys carried out for breeding birds and other protected species as well as a broad scale habitat survey. This monitoring and survey work was commenced in 2007 and Figure 1 displays the survey area.
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