Measure description
The measure ‘Paull Holme Strays managed realignment’ was the first major MR scheme on the Humber created by the Environment Agency as part of the Humber Flood Risk Management Strategy. The site was created to enhance and/or protect specific species as a result of the introduction of new European Directives (Natura 2000) and UK legislation. The site provides approximately 80ha of new intertidal habitat and is fronted by the extensive Paull Holme Sands mudflat. The objectives of the scheme were to provide cost effective flood risk management for the area as well as providing compensatory habitat for direct flood defence schemes losses (comprising of 1.56ha of mudflat and 0.9ha of saltmarsh) and coastal squeeze losses on the estuary (comprising of 5.58ha of mudflats and 5ha of saltmarsh). It was initially anticipated that the PHS site would ultimately create approximately 45 ha of mudflat and 35 ha of saltmarsh.
The targets for the site included the creation of mudflat which must support an invertebrate assemblage of similar species, population abundance and biomass to reference sites in the middle estuary. The developing saltmarsh habitat should support a range of species which are representative of the middle and lower saltmarsh communities in the area. Upper saltmarsh should be retained on the remnant flood bank. At least 30 foraging wintering waterbirds: Redshank (Tringa totanus), Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Shelduck (Tadorna tadorna) and Curlew (Numenius arquata) must be present; and at least 12 roosting wintering waterbirds: Golden Plover (Pluvialis apricaria) must be present.
The site was formed in 2003 by creating two breaches; one 150m to the Western end of the site and another 50m wide at the eastern end. The site is inundated on approximately 80% of tides although the area around the larger breach is silting up rapidly. The smaller breach area has recently started to cut away to form creeks and has also started to erode the old bank.
The measure was breached in September 2003.
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