Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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TIDE pilot project 2: Navigation channel near Ketelplaat – Relocation of dredged sediment to deep areas of the navigation channel

Impact on ecosystem services

Step 1: Involved habitats

The measure TIDE pilot project 2 (Scheldt) near Ketelplaat in the mesohaline zone of the Scheldt estuary was about the relocation of dredged sediment to deep areas of the navigation channel, improving the habitat quality of subtidal deep habitat.

Before the implementation of such a measure the quality of this habitat to deliver the service ‘dissipation of tidal and river energy’ is low because of the presence of deeper areas.
After filling up those deeper areas, the quality of the habitat to deliver the service ‘dissipation of tidal and river energy’ will be enhanced.

This measure is however only a pilot study at a very small scale with negligible habitat changes.

Step 2: Expected impact on ecosystem services, compared with targeted ecosystem services, and expected impact on beneficiaries

More information about the methodology and the correct interpretation of the results could be found in the overall measures report (Saathoff et al. 2013).

(1) Overall expected impact on ES:
From the ES assessment it is concluded that this measure generates overall a slightly positive expected impact for many ES, mainly for “biodiversity”, Water for navigation; cultural services; and some regulating services (Erosion and sedimentation regulation (by water bodies); Water quality regulation: transport of pollutants and excess nutrients); Water quantity regulation: transportation.

(2) Expected impact on targeted ES
This measure is a pilot project to study the effect of disposing dredged material in deep areas of the navigation channel (ES ‘Information for cognitive development’). The expected impact on this ES is slightly positive.
Additionally, the results will be used for a larger project to fill up deeper areas of the navigation channel with the aim of creating current deflecting zones by which tidal energy is dissipated (ES ‘Water quantity regulation: dissipation of tidal and river energy’). The expected impact on this ES is nihil (neutral).

(3) Expected impact on beneficiaries
The expected impact for the different beneficiary groups is slightly positive for indirect and future use, and for local and regional use.

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison