Impact on ecosystem services
Step 1: Involved habitats
The measure Fish spawning pond in the mesohaline zone of the Scheldt estuary was about the creation of a fish spawning pond connected to a harbour dock by transforming adjacent land into subtidal shallow habitat with a high change in the habitat quality.
Step 2: Expected impact on ecosystem services, compared with targeted ecosystem services, and expected impact on beneficiaries
More information about the methodology and the correct interpretation of the results could be found in the overall measures report (Saathoff et al. 2013).
(1) Overall expected impact on ES:
From the ES assessment it is concluded that this measure generates overall a positive expected impact for many ES, with a very positive expected impact for “biodiversity”, and some regulating services: Erosion and sedimentation regulation (by water bodies); Water quantity regulation: dissipation of tidal and river energy.
However, it is important to compare the result of the ES assessment with the local context of the measure. Although the measure creates subtidal shallow habitat, it will (evidently) not impact all estuarine ES because the measure site is not directly connected to the estuary (connected by four concrete pipes to an adjacent harbour dock). Hence, most regulating and provisioning services are not relevant (between brackets in Table 1). The expected impact is overall still positive, but with only a very positive expected impact on „biodiversity“.
(2) Expected impact on targeted ES
This measure aims to improve the fish biodiversity in the harbour area (ES “biodiversity”). The expected impact on this development target is very positive.
(3) Expected impact on beneficiaries
The expected impact for the different beneficiary groups is overall positive, with a positive expected impact for indirect and future use and for local use.
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