Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Current direction control at Bunthaus

Expected effect

The hydrodynamic and morphological quality of the model was approved. Both, silty sediments from upstream and sandy sediments from downstream are transported to the harbor at the investigated headwater levels.

Results of scenario 2: (Adjustment of the ‘Norderelbe’): a higher sedimentation rate in the ‘Norder-’ and ‘Süderelbe’ occurred. The material originated mostly from a part of the ‘Norderelbe’ in between ‘Köhlbrand’ and the turning radius of the ‘Hansahafen’. The strong erosion at this place was caused by the strong beginning state of the flood current which was a result of the adjustment of the ‘Norderelbe’.

Results of scenario 3: (Adjustment of the ‘Süderelbe’) higher erosion rates in large parts of the ‘Norderelbe’ occurred. In most parts higher sedimentation was expected as well as between ‘Köhlbrand’ and the turning radius of the ‘Hansahafen’ and in the ‘Süderelbe’ at the turning circles ‘Sandauhafen’ and ‘Altenwerder’.
Results of scenario 4: (Controlled gates in the ‘Norder’- and ‘Süderelbe’): A clear decrease of the flow through took place during the single tidal phases, as well as a higher sedimentation at the turning radius southward of the container-terminal ‘Altenwerder’. The sedimentation rates in the ‘Norderelbe’ clearly decreased.

As a final result no scenario could influence the sedimentation in a positive manner in the ‘Norderelbe’ and ‘Süderelbe’. By controlling both gates in the ‘Norder-‘ and ‘Süderelbe’ a decrease in the sedimentation process could be reached in the ‘Norderelbe’. Unfortunately, sedimentation in the ‘Süderelbe’ increased.

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison