Background and side conditions
The Port of Hamburg has to fight against sedimentation within the harbor basins already for a long time. The reason for the sedimentation in the entrance of the basins is the so called ’teacup-effect‘, an eddy flow which leads to a deposition process in the entrance of the harbor (Fig. 1).
This process is enhanced by the tides: During flood tide large amounts of water flow into the harbor basin. However the low ebb tide energy has a stopping effect on the eddy flow. In order to assure sufficient water depth for shipping, dredging is unpreventable.
The costs for dredging and deposition are very high, especially if the sediment is heavily contaminated as it was in the 1980ies. Model tests, conducted at the Franzius-Insitute of the University of Hannover, demonstrated that a current deflection wall in the entrance of the harbor prevented the eddy flow and the related sedimentation (Fig. 2).
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