Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Compensation measure ‘Hahnöfer Sand’


The measure should compensate for the extension of the construction grounds of Airbus company into the river. It was carried out according to Art.6 § 4 of the Birds & Habitat Directive in order to reach the coherence of the NATURA 2000 network.
The most important target for this measure was the establishment of estuarine habitat with shallow water areas and broad freshwater mudflats as a feeding and resting place for ducks and birds, particularly the Anas clypeata. The development of Oenanthe conioides, a species of annex II of the Birds & Habitats Directive should be stimulated. The plan was to create the necessary morphological conditions and enhance the predicted sedimentation process of the area in order to create a resting and feeding area for 400 individuals of the Anas clypeata. This number of individuals was set by the RAMSAR convention

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison