Impact on ecosystem services
- From the ES assessment it is concluded that this measure generates both a slightly negative and a slightly positive on various ES. This is the consequence of transforming one estuarine habitat type into another.
- Slightly positive expected impact:
- Water quality regulation: transport of pollutants and excess nutrients
- Water quantity regulation: dissipation of tidal and river energy
- Food: Animals
- Opportunities for recreation & tourism
- Slightly negative expected impact:
- “Biodiversity”
- Erosion and sedimentation regulation by biological mediation
- Water quantity regulation: landscape maintenance
- Climate regulation: Carbon sequestration and burial
- Regulation extreme events or disturbance: Wave reduction
- Regulation extreme events or disturbance: Flood water storage
- Aesthetic information
- The expected impact on the development target (“Biodiversity”) is slightly negative.
- The expected impact for the different beneficiary groups is overall neutral, but slightly positive for future use.
The expected impact for the different beneficiary groups is overall positive, with a positive to very positive expected impact for indirect and future use and for local and region use.
The screening of the ecosystem services (ESS) that were affected by the measure `Hahnöfer Nebenelbe` showed more negative than positive effects on the ESS that were generated by implementing this measure. This is caused by the transformation of mudflats, which already delivered a certain amount of ecosystem services, into shallow water area.
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