Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Chowder Ness


A ten year monitoring programme was implemented to look at changes to sites fronting the realignment (bathymetry, invertebrates, and waterfowl) and to the realignment itself (topography, saltmarsh composition, changes to intertidal invertebrates, and wildfowl usage).

The monitoring results are reported to back and Environmental Steering Committee.

Table 1 displays the parameters monitored at Chowder Ness.

Table 1: parameters monitored
Chowder Ness managed realignment
Construction Start Date Initial frequency Initial duration Adaptations to original monitoring End date
Topographic Survey 1 month before inundation Annually 5 years post inundation (fronting realignment)
10 years post inundation (within realignment)
Monitored every other year since 2009
Original laser survey also changed to LiDAR survey after initial year.
Saltmarsh composition 1st summer following inundation Annually 10 years post inundation (within realignment)   2016
Monitoring of grassland 1st summer following inundation Annually 5 years post inundation   2011
Changes to intertidal invertebrates Summer before construction Annually 5 years post inundation (fronting realignment)
10 years post inundation (within realignment)
Samples were originally collected in triplicate on the mudflat outside the realignment but after first couple of years only one sample has been analysed 2011
Sediments Summer before construction Annually 5 years post inundation (fronting realignment)
10 years post inundation (within realignment)
Waterfowl usage of realignment area Overwinter season before construction monthly
(Sept - Mar)
5 years post inundation (fronting realignment)
10 years post inundation (within realignment)
Breeding birds 1st summer following inundation April and May 5 years post inundation   2011

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison