Impact on ecosystem services
The measure ‘Cappel-Süder-Neufeld’ in the polyhaline zone of the Weser estuary was about the creation of estuarine habitats by transforming adjacent land into mainly marshland connected with a very high change in the habitat quality (Figure 5). From the ecosystem services (ES) assessment, it is concluded that this measure generates overall a positive expected impact for many ES, mainly for ‘biodiversity’, the cultural services and several regulating services (erosion and sedimentation regulation by water bodies, water quantity regulation: reduction of excess loads coming from the catchment, erosion and sedimentation regulation by biological mediation, water quantity regulation: landscape maintenance, climate regulation: carbon sequestration and burial). The expected impact on the development targets (‘biodiversity’) is very positive. The expected impact for the different beneficiary groups is overall positive, with a very positive expected impact for indirect and future use and for local use (Table 1).
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