Project part-financed by the European Union (European Regional Development Fund)

The Interreg IVB North Sea Region Programme

The authors are solely responsible for the content of this report. Material included herein does not represent the opinion of the European Community, and the European Community is not responsible for any use that might be made of it.
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Alkborough Managed Realignment


A 10 year monitoring programme is planned at Alkborough. The first 5-year phase of monitoring began in 2007 and will be reviewed in 2011/12 and altered accordingly. For the first 5 years a detailed monitoring programme has been established to assess the general development of the site and ensure it has provided functioning intertidal habitat. Mudflat development and accretion, invertebrates (including estuarine and those inhabiting freshwater/brackish features), saltmarsh communities, aquatic plants (inhabiting freshwater/brackish features), fish and epibenthos, and birds are being monitored at the site. Additional information is collected adjacent to the site including fresh water invertebrates, odonata and water vole surveys. The monitoring results are reported back to the Environment Agency and the Environmental Steering Committee. Table 1 below shows the parameters monitored at Alkborough.

Table 1: Summary of monitoring programme at Alkborough
Construction Start Date Initial frequency Initial duration Adaptations to original monitoring End date
Topographic survey September following inundation annually 5 years post inundation   2011
Changes to intertidal invertebrates September following inundation annually 5 years post inundation 31 stations were initially selected - A number of these stations will remain permanent throughout the five year monitoring period but as the site develops in terms of mudflat morphology and flooding characteristics, a number of these stations may have to be abandoned and new stations selected. 2011 (additional surveys being discussed)
Saltmarsh composition September following inundation annually 5 years post inundation   2011
Sediments September following inundation annually 5 years post inundation Additional surveys in 2010 and 2013 2013
Monitoring of fish September following inundation 3 times a year (Jun, Oct and Mar) 5 years post inundation   2011-2012
Waterfowl overwinter season following inundation Bi-monthly (Oct - Mar) 5 years post inundation   2011-2012

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Important to know

Reports / Measures / Tools

Report: Management measures analysis and comparison